The Dark Side of Statistics
100 curated phrases which can manipulate meaning, understanding, and perception of research
What’s your number?
- 1. Data could imply a trend that isn’t definitive.
- 2. Data could reflect nuances that are easily overlooked.
- 3. Data does not provide a definitive answer.
- 4 . Data hints at possible correlations.
- 5. Data may be subject to various interpretations.
- 6. Data may not align with expected results.
- 7. Data may point in different directions.
- 8. Data might not present a complete picture.
- 9. Data might point to patterns that are not yet established.
- 10. Data might suggest some trends worth exploring.
- 11. Data shows patterns that may not hold true.
- 12. Data suggests a possibility rather than a certainty.
- 13. Data suggests patterns that warrant further exploration.
- 14. Data suggests possible but not definite outcomes.
- 15. Data suggests the need for cautious interpretation.
- 16. Data suggests variability that complicates interpretations.
- 17. Evidence could imply but not confirm findings.
- 18. Evidence could imply connections that aren’t clear.
- 19. Evidence could indicate trends but lacks certainty.
- 20. Evidence could support multiple perspectives.
- 21. Evidence shows trends that merit further investigation.
- 22. Evidence suggests a need for cautious interpretation.
- 23. Findings are tentative and should be approached with caution.
- 24. Findings could be interpreted in various ways.
- 25. Findings could be misleading without proper context.
- 26. Findings could be subject to misinterpretation.
- 27. Findings could imply connections without strong evidence.
- 28. Findings could indicate a need for further investigation.
- 29. Findings leave open the possibility of alternative explanations.
- 30. Findings may not be as robust as initially thought.
- 31. Findings may not fully capture the situation.
- 32. Findings might not align with initial hypotheses.
- 33. Findings might not lead to clear conclusions.
- 34. Findings might require further exploration to clarify.
- 35. Insights are open to different interpretations.
- 36. Insights could be more complex than they appear.
- 37. Insights could lead to different interpretations.
- 38. Insights could lead to more questions than answers.
- 39. Insights leave significant questions lingering.
- 40. Insights may be clouded by limitations in data.
- 41. Insights may not be as straightforward as they seem.
- 42. Insights may not provide a solid foundation.
- 43. Insights may require a more nuanced understanding.
- 44. Insights may vary depending on perspective.
- 45. Results are fraught with ambiguity.
- 46. Results could be better understood with additional context.
- 47. Results could be clouded by external variables.
- 48. Results could be influenced by unexamined factors.
- 49. Results could be subject to future revision.
- 50. Results could change with additional data.
- 51. Results could lead to various interpretations.
- 52. Results could mask underlying complexities.
- 53. Results hint at potential patterns but lack clarity.
- 54. Results hint at uncertainty regarding effectiveness.
- 55. Results leave room for interpretation.
- 56. Results may be inconclusive at best.
- 57. Results may be tentative and require validation.
- 58. Results may change with further examination.
- 59. Results may suggest but not confirm clear relationships.
- 60. Results might reflect a more complex reality.
- 61. Results raise as many questions as they answer.
- 62. Results suggest the potential for other variables.
- 63. Results suggest variability that warrants attention.
- 64. The analysis highlights the need for ongoing scrutiny.
- 65. The analysis indicates uncertainty about key factors.
- 66. The analysis lacks definitive support for claims.
- 67. The analysis leaves some questions unanswered.
- 68. The analysis may benefit from further refinement.
- 69. The analysis might benefit from more clarity.
- 70. The analysis presents a mixed picture.
- 71. The analysis raises more questions than it answers.
- 72. The analysis raises questions rather than providing answers.
- 73. The analysis reveals complexities that need unpacking.
- 74. The analysis shows a blend of certainty and uncertainty.
- 75. The conclusions are based on incomplete evidence.
- 76. The conclusions are not entirely clear-cut.
- 77. The conclusions are provisional and not absolute.
- 78. The conclusions are somewhat tentative.
- 79. The conclusions drawn are not entirely conclusive.
- 80. The conclusions drawn are not entirely straightforward.
- 81. The conclusions might need further substantiation.
- 82. The data appears to be somewhat elusive.
- 83. The data does not provide a straightforward conclusion.
- 84. The data shows trends that are hard to define.
- 85. The evidence might support multiple narratives.
- 86. The evidence points to unclear outcomes.
- 87. The evidence shows a complex scenario.
- 88. The findings are not uniformly clear.
- 89. The findings lack decisive support.
- 90. The outcomes do not provide a clear resolution.
- 91. The outcomes may reflect broader uncertainties.
- 92. The outcomes may reflect nuances not immediately apparent.
- 93. The outcomes suggest a lack of clarity.
- 94. The outcomes suggest some level of doubt.
- 95. The results are open to varying interpretations.
- 96. The results might shift with new information.
- 97. The results suggest possible inconsistencies.
- 98. There appears to be some ambiguity in the results.
- 99. There’s a possibility of underlying factors not accounted for.
- 100. There’s potential for alternate explanations.